⇰ SORTING :- In our day-to-day life there are many things that we need to search for , like any page in book, phone number in directory, any record in database etc. All these would have been mixed up if these data was kept unordered and unsorted. For this purpose fortunately the concept of sorting is introduced. Sorting makes easier for everyone to arrange any data in an order, hence searching becomes easier. Means s orting arranges data in a sequence or in order which makes searching easier. ⇾ After applying the sorting technique, If the contents do not change the sequence of similar content in which they appear, it is called stable sorting technique. ⇾ After applying the sorting technique, if the contents do change the sequence of similar content in which they appear, it is called unstable sorting technique. ⇰ SORTING ORDERS :- ⇾ Basically al...