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Showing posts from November, 2018

Languages in computer

                 LANGUAGES * Low level language:-           Low level language is machine dependent language. This language is the machine codes in which the instructions are given in machine language in the form of 0 and 1 to a computer system.the main function of low level language is to operate , manage and manipulate the hardware and system components.    Low level language is divided into two parts:-             i> Machine language             ii> Assembly language   i>  Machine language:-             It is one of the low level language which is the first generation language developed for communication with a computer. It is written in machine code which represents 0 and 1 binary digits inside the computer string which makes it easy to understand and perform the operations.        The main advantage of using machine language is that there is no need of translator or interpreter to translate the code, as the computer directly can understand.   but there are s

'Array' data structure in 'c' language

In  programming languages , an  array  is a way of storing several items. These items must have the same type (only integers, only  strings , ...) because an array can not store different kinds of items. Every item in an array has a number so the  programmer  can get the item by using that number. This number is called the index. In some programming languages, the first item has index 0, the second item has index 1 and so on. But in other languages, the first item has index 1 (and then 2, 3, ...). When the programmer creates an array, they must give the  size  of the array. This is the number of items that can be stored in the array. If the programmer wants to store more items, then they must create a new array. This is because the size of an array can not be changed. Arrays in C :- I n the  programming language   C , arrays can be created like this: int array[5]; This creates an array of integers and it can store 5 integers. The programmer can now store integers in the a

Tokens and its types in 'C'

   Tokens are the smallest individual unit of a program or in simple words it is a main part of C program.Tokens are the building blocks of any program. The smallest individual and basic unit of a C programming is called c tokens.      *    Normally there are six types of tokens in C:- i> Keywords:-          Keywords are special words that are used to give a special meaning to the program and can't be used as variable and constant.They are basically a sequence of characters that have fixed to mean. For example:-                 auto     double      long     break                 float    short        char     if                while    continue   int       void etc. All keywords must be written in lower case.It is 32 in number. ii> Identifiers:-         The identifiers are basically a token. It can be a variable's name or a label's name. So identifiers are actually a user defined data. But there are certain rules to frame an identifier. They are as follo