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Languages in computer


* Low level language:-
          Low level language is machine dependent language. This language is the machine codes in which the instructions are given in machine language in the form of 0 and 1 to a computer system.the main function of low level language is to operate , manage and manipulate the hardware and system components.
   Low level language is divided into two parts:-
            i> Machine language
            ii> Assembly language

 i>  Machine language:-
            It is one of the low level language which is the first generation language developed for communication with a computer. It is written in machine code which represents 0 and 1 binary digits inside the computer string which makes it easy to understand and perform the operations.
       The main advantage of using machine language is that there is no need of translator or interpreter to translate the code, as the computer directly can understand.
  but there are some disadvantages also like you have to remember the operational codes, memory address every time you write a program and also hard to find errors in a written program. It is a machine dependent and can be used by a single type of computer.

As we know a computer system can recognize electric signals so here 0 stands for turning off electric pulse and 1 stands for turning on electronic pulse.

ii> Assembly language:-
           It is the second generation programming language that has almost similar structure and set of commands as machine language. In this language instead of using numbers  here we use words or names in English forms and also symbols.
     The programs written in assembly language are converted to machine language using as Assembler. Because computer only understands machine code languages.
The main disadvantage of this language is that it is written only for a single type of CPU and does not run on any other CPU. But its speed makes it the most used low level language till today.

* High level language:-
         High level languages are instructions written in English  like language . High level languages deal with variables, arrays, and complex arithmetics or boolean expression instead of codes.
 These languages brought computers to the step of the common man. These languages are easier to use. A program written in a high level  language can be executed on other computers without making any changes to the codes because this language is not machine dependent.
  High level languages require a translator may be an interpreter and compilor that help to understand. High level languages are third generation language.

* Assemblers:-
      An assembler is a software program that converts an assembly language into machine language program. It takes the basic commands and operations from assembly code and converts them into binary code.

* Compiler:-
        Compiler is a software program or set of programs that converts an entire program written in a high level language into machine language program. A compiler goes through the entire program and check syntax. If it finds any errors, the error is reported to the user along with line numbers. Otherwise if the program is error  free, then the complete program will be translated to machine language and stored in a separate file.

* Interpreters:-
        An interpreter is a software program that converts a program written in a high level language into machine language program line-by-line. The each line is converted and executed immediately if it is error free. Only after execution of one line, will it proceed to the next. If interpreting is stopped.It is slower than the compiler.

* Decompiler:-
      A program that translates from a low level language to a higher level is called decompiler.


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